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Our Promise

Don Ciccio eco-friendly park set the standard for creative and sustainable planning. 

Green infrastructure practices are designed to infiltrate runoff include a diverse palette of native plants and locally adapted plants of many textures and colors. These bioretention areas is designed with pathways and benches for guest enjoyment and planted to attract beneficial wildlife such as butterflies or other pollinators.

Environmental goals

Campsites are renowned for their green spaces. However, one can vary significantly from another based on their sustainable practices. What features let eco-friendly campsite help the environment?


The world has developed better practices and wisely constructed better campsite facilities. Here are some environmentally friendly practices to consider.

How Are Eco-Friendly Campsite Sustainable?

Visiting an eco-friendly campsite means getting as close to nature as possible. What features should these green spaces have? Here are some components necessary for environmentally friendly recreation. 



The park has 11 LED Solar Street Light, lighting up the park. In. recent years, the application of solar street lighting has been on the rise, driven by advances in renewable energy technology and a growing awareness of environmental sustainability


Minimised Pavement

Pavement makes walking on campsite paths easier but harms the environment. Sunshine on concrete creates heat islands by warming the surrounding air.

This hot air rises into the atmosphere and contributes to global warming. 


Native Species

While gardens are functional, parks should ensure these areas are safe for plants. Native species should be the only selections for the garden because they’re best for the environment. Invasive species can ruin parks by stealing nutrients from existing plants. Therefore, indigenous flowers might not grow sufficiently and risk extinction.


Waste Management

Providing recycling bins: Clearly labeled recycling bins throughout the space encourage guest to do their part in keeping things green.


Eco-friendly features 

Planning a campsite with eco-friendly features means emphasising green wherever possible. Planting trees, flowers, fruits and vegetables is an excellent start for healthier parks.

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